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Saab Global

Delivering in a new reality

To meet increased demand, to deliver on our customer commitments and to further strengthen our sustainability agenda, Saab is investing in capacity, competences and the technologies of tomorrow.
Micael Johansson, CEO and President
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Annual and Sustainability Report 2023

随着安全局势的恶化和乌克兰旷日持久的战争,国防工业正在经历一种新的现实, driving the largest increase in defence investments in Europe since the Cold War.

As defence spending in Europe continues to grow, 为了满足客户日益增长的需求,在新技术的基础上建设额外的能力和投资将是至关重要的. In 2023, we put relentless effort into customer deliveries and increasing capacity. With the growing interest in Saab's unique and diverse portfolio, we have increased our investments in R&D and intensified our ambitions in innovation, 以确保星际网赌导航的产品组合保持强劲,并确保我们能够长期持续增长. 其中大部分是与客户合作完成的,客户寻求补充库存和开发新技术,以加强现在和未来的防御能力.

人工智能和自动驾驶等颠覆性技术的出现将改变我们行业的游戏规则,并重塑未来的国防和安全应用. During the year, 我们加快了在这些领域的活动,并完成了对美国人工智能国防科技公司蓝熊的收购.K. and the Silicon Valley-based AI company CrowdAI in the U.S. 这些收购将使星际网赌导航能够在我们的产品组合中利用新兴技术,并推动未来增长的能力.

Moreover, we announced three strategic partnerships; we entered into a cooperation agreement with Helsing, 一家专门从事人工智能软件技术的欧洲防务公司,并投资了该公司5%的股份. 我们还与Babcock签署了一项协议,以探索先进水面舰艇的未来机会. In addition, 我们与新加坡技术工程公司签署了谅解备忘录,以进一步深化我们在几个国防领域的合作和机会.

我们相信,加强合作和伙伴关系将进一步增强我们在市场上的竞争力,并支持我们客户不断变化的需求. 星际网赌导航作为值得信赖的合作伙伴的地位在2023年进一步得到了我们记录的大量订单摄入量的证实. Order bookings grew 23% and amounted to SEK 78 billion (63). Our backlog reached SEK 153 billion. Throughout the year, we have continued to execute on our focused multi-domestic strategy, with growth in all of our selected strategic markets; Sweden, the U.S., the U.K., Germany and Australia.

2023年的一个重要里程碑是与北约支持和采购局签署了卡尔-古斯塔夫和AT4武器系统的框架协议, in line with our focus on supporting our customers in building up their defence capabilities. 我们还收到了向波兰订购两架机载预警(AEW)飞机的订单,并在合同签署两个月后推出了第一架飞机. Moreover, 我们向瑞典国防物资管理局交付了瑞典新的SIGINT船以及第一架批量生产的鹰狮E.

全年有机销售额增长23%,反映了我们所有业务的高产量. Profitability also improved with an operating margin of 8.3% (7.8). Cash flow for the full year reached SEK 3.2 billion. As we close the books for 2023, it is with satisfaction that I conclude that we have again reached all our financial targets.

Looking ahead, delivering on our customer contracts and our strong backlog will be key. Based on current visibility for planned project execution and deliveries, we expect the organic sales growth for the full year 2024 to be between 12-16%. 我们还致力于在2024年继续增长高于有机销售增长的营业收入. 过去四年,我们报告了正现金流,我们预计全年将继续保持正现金流.

As a growing Swedish defence company, 我们有成为行业可持续发展领导者的雄心,我们努力在我们业务的各个方面实现可持续发展, in support of the UN Global Compact and its ten principles. We have, in addition to accelerated climate transition initiatives within the Group, also launched a new Code of Conduct and updated our sustainability strategy framework. During the year, 我们还在整个组织内进行了一个彻底的项目,以符合即将出台的新的欧洲可持续发展报告标准. I believe that this project and the updated sustainability strategy, together with our strong foundation of responsible business practices, will guide us along the ambitious growth path that is ahead of us.

2023 was also an innovative year for Saab with several new products launched, 包括长颈鹿1X部署集和我们的“梭鱼”伪装解决方案的新功能,以及展示我们下一代防空的陆基能力. On the naval side, we introduced our future operator workspace console concept, leveraging on Saab's expertise within combat system hardware and software for warships. All of this is the result of our most important resource at Saab, our people.

除了积极调动我们的员工,确保他们能够应对不断增长的需求, it is key that we continue to invest, secure relevant competences and adapt to new technology. In 2023, we have been successful in attracting close to 2,500 net new employees globally, an increase of 13%. At the same time, 星际网赌导航跻身瑞典十大最具吸引力的IT和工程雇主之列. As we look ahead, 我们正在通过我们的学习平台投资于技能提升,并在入职和员工体验方面付出努力. All our efforts within sustainability, innovation and people will be key to our long-term success and value creation.

Stockholm, February 2024

Micael Johansson
President and CEO


Highlights from the year

SEK bn
Organic sales growth
EBIT margin
SEK bn
Operational cash flow
Dividend per share*
*Proposed dividend
CO2e emission reduction*
*Scope 1 and 2

Quarterly market highlights


Strong market demand drives order growth of 110%.

Saab receives a large order of SEK 8.5 billion from an undisclosed Western country for defence equipment, including Carl-Gustaf, RBS 70 and Giraffe 1X.


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Saab selected to upgrade German Eurofighters electronic warfare (EW) capabilities, with AI partner Helsing.


Saab expands and recruits 1,000 new employees year-to-date.

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Poland orders two Saab 340 Airborne Early Warning (AEW) aircraft with deliveries in 2025.


Saab completes two bolt-on acquisitions, BlueBear and CrowdAI, to accelerate autonomy and AI capability.

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Saab closes the full year with a strong order intake of SEK 78 billion, of which SEK 31.5 billion is recorded in Q4.



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Saab’s strategic markets

As a long-term partner to our customers, Saab sees significant market demand for many years ahead, 由于各国对加强国防能力的需求日益增长,并得到预算增加的支持. Saab will work with customers to meet these needs, building on our strong position in core areas and focused multi-domestic strategy.

Sustainability at the core

作为一家成长中的瑞典国防公司,星际网赌导航努力在业务的各个方面保持可持续发展. In 2023, 我们进一步加强了我们的可持续发展承诺,并更新了我们的可持续发展战略.
In the updated strategy, Saab sets the ambition to become a sustainability leader within the defence industry.

该战略包括新的和修订后的目标,反映了金融市场预期的提高, our employees, customers and legislators.

Read more on page 42

Our people

At Saab, our employees are crucial to our success. We are dedicated to attracting new talents and actively engage in their development.
In 2023, Saab grew by hiring close to 2,500 new employees, a 13% increase.

We are now investing in upskilling, onboarding and our people experience. 在这一年中,我们还继续努力提高女性雇员和管理人员的比例.